To receive LODA benefits, you must file a claim with the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) using the Claim for Line of Duty Act (LODA) Benefits. You will work with VRS, employers and others at each step in the process. Claims for LODA benefits must be filed within five years of an eligible employee’s or volunteer’s qualifying death or disability.

Each claim is subject to an initial review by VRS to confirm eligibility and followed by a medical board review. In some cases, the Virginia State Police will investigate LODA claims.

Claims Process

At various stages in the LODA claims process – from the initial filing of a claim to final approval – you, your employer, the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) and the Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) bear responsibilities for providing key information related to your case.

Carefully review the claim application instructions. Ensure all required information is completed on the form and required supporting information is included with your claim. Insufficient or missing information will delay the processing of the claim and may lead to your claim being denied.